
Recherches Transversales


Les génocides oubliés

Si certains grands génocides du XXe siècle retiennent à juste titre l’attention, on s’intéresse moins à d’autres exterminations qui ont jalonné l’Histoire et parfois sombré dans l’oubli. L’étude de quelques-unes d’entre elles – comme celles dont ont été victimes les Indiens d’Amérique du Nord et du Sud,[...]

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Figurations of Postmemory: An Introduction

Emmanuel Alloa, Pierre Bayard, Soko Phay – Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies, Volume 4, Numbers 1-2, Nebraska Press.

Année de parution : 2015

« To conceptualize this often described but as such nameless phenomenon whereby someone is strongly marked by distressing events that preceded that person’s own birth and inhabits them as if they were private recollections,[...]

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Living Arts in post-conflict contexts

Cambodian Living Arts organized this flagship event as part of its work towards the vision of arts for transformation, in collaboration with Salzburg Global Seminar and with sponsorship by the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development.[...]

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Creation and Postmemory

Conference organizers : Pierre Bayard and Soko Phay-Vakalis (Paris 8 University), in collaboration with Bachir Souleymane Diagne (Columbia University) and François Cornilliat (Rutgers University)

The conference will examine how the arts and other creative forms harness indirect memory and ensure its transmission through a variety of archives and traces.[...]

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